mejor colegio bilingue en madrid

The fundamental aim of the pre-school, is to harmoniously develop the basic abilities of the child:

  • Physical, where psychomotor skills play an essential role in brain growth.
  • Sensitive- Sensory, that allows for the appropriate development of the imagination and spatial awareness, as well as develop artistically.
  • Psychological, allowing the child to acquire security.
  • Intellectual, which procures the ability for a child to talk, memorise, count, read and reason at their level.

In order to achieve this, we offer a dynamic methodology as we consider it fundamental that the students themselves, learn through repetition and through their own experiences. At this age, student’s attention is limited and therefore in each session, the activities are continually varied, primarily focused on speaking, motor and craft skills


mejor colegio bilingue en madrid

The Primary stage objectives are:

  • To develop good habits in independent and group work, effort and responsibility.
  • The development confidence in oneself, curiosity and interest.
  • To promote a responsible and respectful attitude towards others that favours learning and coexistence.
  • To know and appropriately use both Spanish and English languages, developing reading habits as an essential tool for learning in other areas.
  • To develop basic mental math abilities.
  • To use ICT skillfully, developing critical thinking in receiving and sending messages.


The aim of Secondary is to contribute in developing the intellectual and emotional abilities of every student.

Building on the objectives reached in the lower school, we insist on a serious and rigorous method of study, that allows the students to achieve the best academic success across both languages: Spanish and English.